Century Count XXV - Socially Distanced - Results

The 2020 Century Count was notable in several ways. First, it marked our 25th annual count, a milestone in itself.

Second, we tallied a new record – 126 species!!!  Rutland County was covered in many directions – from Tinmouth Channel to Kent Pond in Killington to the Poultney area to the Buckner Preserve in West Haven to the bird productive roads of Brandon and many points in between, comprising a wide variety of habitats. This widespread effort no doubt led the high species total as were able to visit spots that time does not allow us when we travel in a group. In all 67 checklists were submitted to eBird.

Both Virginia Rail and Sora were reported, nine raptors including a Barred Owl, all four expected wren species, seven flycatchers, 22 warbler species and many more (full list below).

Lastly, and perhaps not as satisfactory to many of us, it was our first socially distanced count. Birding by one or in small groups of two and three, we fanned out over the county to our favorite hotspots. While we may have gained more species, we missed the camaraderie of birding with friends, sharing a picnic lunch, trading bird stories and more. However, I think we were all aware of  how fortunate we are to have so many beautiful places in Rutland County to safely escape the daily barrage of Covid-19 news and focus on the birds.

Thank you to the sixteen participants, some using eBird for the first time (and hopefully not the last)! Here’s to next year, hopefully together again as a group! 


The list:

Canada Goose

Wood Duck


American Black Duck

Hooded Merganser

Common Merganser

Ruffed Grouse

Wild Turkey

Rock Pigeon

Mourning Dove

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Black-billed Cuckoo

Eastern Whip-poor-will

Chimney Swift

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Virginia Rail



American Woodcock

Wilson's Snipe

Spotted Sandpiper

Herring Gull

Common Loon

American Bittern

Great Blue heron

Green Heron

Turkey Vulture


Northern Harrier

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Bald Eagle

Broad-winged Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Barred Owl

Belted Kingfisher

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Red-belled Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker

Northern Flicker


American Kesrel

Peregrine Falcon

Eastern Wood-Pewee

Alder Flycatcher

Willow Flycatcher

Least Flycatcher

Eastern Phoebe

Great Crested Flycatcher

Eastern Kingbird

Yellow-throated Vireo

Blue-headed Vireo

Warbling Vireo

Red-eyed Vireo

Blue Jay

American Crow

Common Raven

Black-capped Chickadee

Tufted Titmouse

Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Tree Swallow

Bank Swallow

Barn Swallow

Cliff Swallow

Red-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

Brown Creeper

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

House Wren

Winter Wren

Marsh Wren

Carolina Wren

European Starling

Gray Catbird

Brown Thrasher

Eastern Bluebird


Hermit Thrush

Wood Thrush

American Robin

Cedar Waxwing

House Sparrow

House Finch

Purple Finch

American Goldfinch


Chipping Sparrow

Field Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

White-throated Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Swamp Sparrow

Eastern Towhee


Eastern Meadowlark

Orchard Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

Red-winged Blackbird

Brown-headed Cowbird

Common Grackle


Louisiana Waterthrush

Northern Waterthrush

Golden-winged Warbler

Blue-winged Warbler

Black-and-white Warbler

Tennessee Warbler

Nashville Warbler

Mourning Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

American Redstart

Northern Parula

Magnolia Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Pine Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler Prairie Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Canada Warbler

Scarlet Tanager

Northern Cardinal

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Indigo Bunting