For the second year in a row, Rutland County Audubon Society, whose mission is to protect birds and their habitat, is offering scholarships to high school seniors residing in Rutland County (regardless of where their high school is located) who plan to go on to study an environmentally related field at college, such as Wildlife Biology, Forestry, Environmental Science, and other similar areas. We have two $1,000 scholarships to offer to those who best meet our criteria.
Contact your high school guidance office for application forms and other information. You may also download the form here.
Deadline of postmark for the application is April 11, 2025. Applications may also be submitted by email, Just attach all documents as pdf files and email to the address below by April 11. RCAS will select winners in May and money will be mailed to the student`s home address in July, conditional upon acceptance to college and continued interest in the ecology field. The application should include a one or two paragraph statement (maximum length 250 words), describing their interest in the field and any relevant coursework and experience in it. In other words, we need to know why we should choose them.
It is our wish that students have a college in mind when they submit their applications and will be accepted by one when they receive their notification of winning.
Thank you for your support in this endeavor. We are excited to receive applications. Please send any questions to: