RCAS Virtual Annual Meeting - June 24


In the past, RCAS has held its Annual Meeting at the end of June or in early July in Proctor in the evening and have made it a festive event, with a potluck, some awards for service, and entertainment, usually member slides. This being 2020, however, we are responding to the pandemic and will, instead, hold a brief, bare bones type of meeting by internet, utilizing either Zoom or another virtual meeting program.

This virtual meeting will occur on June 24 at 6:30 PM and will last under 40 minutes, at which time we will approve last year's minutes, approve the Financial Report, hear a brief report of RCAS' activities, and accept the new slate of officers. A more festive event will be held when the situation becomes more conducive to gatherings.

At this point, we do not have a Secretary to put forth, so we are asking all members and friends to nominate someone for this post which requires attending (in person or by other means) a monthly meeting to take minutes and preparing those minutes to be sent to every Board member. It can be a great way to connect with RCAS member's and learn more about birds.

With this all being said, RCAS invites you to attend our first ever, virtual Annual Meeting on June 24, at 6:30. To do so, please contact birding@rutlandaudubon.org and we will send you the necessary information to connect to the meeting that evening. And if you don't have a computer, you can connect by phone. We look forward to having you there!