Pomainville Wildlife Management Area, comprised of 356 acres in Pittsford, is a change from the wooded habitats most of us associate with the Green Mountain State. This recently preserved land is comprised of old agricultural fields, now floodplain wetland and grassland, along the Otter Creek.
Best visited late April through early July, this is a great spot to see Bobolinks and hear their bubbling song. Savannah Sparrows are also present. It is also worthwhile to visit the area in late September through October for migrating sparrows. In October 2009 a Le Conte's Sparrow was recorded at Pomainville along with a Nelson's Sparrow. Click here to read more about it.
nelson’s sparrow
Pomainville is a great place to look for uncommon Sparrows during fall migration.
Recent habitat improvements have made this an ideal habitat for a variety of ducks, including Mallard, Wood Duck, and Hooded Merganser, which all breed here. American Bittern, Green Heron, Pied-billed Grebe, Virginia Rail, and Wilson’s Snipe can also be observed near the small ponds.
The trees surrounding the along Otter Creek support Mallard ducklingsgood number of Warbling, Red-eyed and Yellow-throated vireos as well as Baltimore Oriole. Blue-gray Gnatcatchers have nested here. Alder and Willow flycatchers, more often heard than seen, utilize the shrubs that dot the area.
Notes: Pomainville WMA is frequently flooded; tall waterproof boots are helpful. Also the area is used by hunters. Check the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department for hunting schedules.
DIRECTIONS: Pomainville WMA is located on the west side of Route 7 between Pittsford and Brandon. There is a parking area and information kiosk.