The Pittsford Trail Network encompasses several trails that are easy walking and located in scenic areas throughout town. One is especially productive for birding—the Cadwell Loop.
The trail is an easy 2.4 mile loop that covers a variety of habitats. Located at the confluence of the Furnace Brook and Otter Creek, the Cadwell Loop passes brushy areas, small ponds and open fields with the riparian habitat attracting a wide variety of species.
white-throated sparrow
In early spring, if there has been a heavy snowfall, the area can be flooded, and at any time there can be muddy patches. By late February or early March, however, ducks and blackbirds pour into the area. The first Song Sparrows return while the American Tree Sparrows are still present. Mixed flocks of sparrows, including White-Crowned, Lincoln's and Fox, can be found during spring and migration.
Year-round the area is reliable for Red-bellied Woodpecker, along with all our other woodpeckers. Eastern Bluebirds are also present during the whole year. Carolina Wrens are frequently heard. Northern Harriers and Red-tailed Hawks the most common raptor species.
May and September can be good for migrating flocks of warblers with Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Yellow Warbler and Chestnut-sided Warbler hanging around for summer nesting activities. Baltimore Orioles can be found along the Otter Creek in May and June and when the leaves are gone, it is easy to spot the used nests.
Parking is a pull-off just east of the Cooley Bridge on Elm Street. From there you can start the loop in either direction. Printable maps are available near the parking area and also from the Pittsford Trail Network link below.