West Rutland Marsh walk, February 15, 2025

Three birders set out on our monthly walk around West Rutland Marsh on February 15. Even colder than last month at 8 degrees and, again, fortunately no wind, we managed to tally 19 species.

The highest concentration of birds, not unexpectedly, was found at the feeders at the Marble Street boardwalk and at feeders at two private residences along the way.

Due to the icy crusting over the snow, we skipped the Whipple Hollow Trail and elected to stay on the road for the entire route.

A Carolina Wren and four White-throated Sparrows were feeding at the Marble Street boardwalk. Only one American Tree Sparrow was spotted there. Two more tree sparrows were spotted later on the walk. Only one Dark-eyed Junco was seen along the entire route.

American Robins are still being reported in high numbers throughout the state and our count for the day at the marsh was 16.

Northern Cardinals have started singing. We saw a couple cardinals, but the rest were all identified by song.

A relatively high number, four, for the marsh of Red-bellied Woodpeckers was observed.

A complete list of species can be found here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/331955

Our next walk is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, at 8 o’clock.