Year #21 of RCAS’s monthly monitoring of West Rutland Marsh kicked off in the rain. Undeterred by a mist that started the walk (but changed to a steadier rain as the morning went on), three participants tallied 32 species. This is quite a bit lower than our August average of 44, with a high of 58 (wow!) species occurring in 2015.
Despite it being a good day for ducks, only one duck was counted – a wood duck. There was, however, a good-sized flock of Canada geese in the open water off the boardwalk.
Flycatchers were by far the most numerous with several eastern kingbirds tallied and a notable olive-sided flycatcher.
Gray catbirds and cedar waxwings were numerous, while thrushes were limited to American robin and two veeries.
No red-winged blackbirds were seen or heard, but eight grackles were feeding on a lawn.
With bird song now diminished, not to mention the rain, only two warbler species were counted: one black-and-white warbler and a few of the expected common yellowthroats.
Our next walk is scheduled for Thursday, September 23, at 8 a.m.
The list: