The February sun did little to warm the two of us as we made our way around West Rutland Marsh on our monthly survey.
Feeders at the boardwalk were busy with a gang of chickadees, some titmice and tree sparrows. A downy woodpecker vied with a Carolina wren for the suet. The boardwalk was snow covered but manageable, however, no bird was seen. The recent pruning back of the vegetation will allow easier views of the marsh. The bush was encroaching onto the boardwalk making it difficult to view the marsh.
Heading north on Pleasant Street a brisk breeze made for a cold start. However, the sight of five eastern bluebirds checking out sumac berries was a treat. The flock also was singing their plaintive song. A murder of crows was heard harassing something far up on the powerline, but we never could see the source of their displeasure.
Eastern Bluebird on Staghorn SumacMourning doves, blue jays and starlings were seen as we headed south on Whipple Hollow Road.
The wind was now at our backs making walking more pleasant. Feeders provided a junco and the ever cute red-breasted nuthatch as well as a small flock of chickadees.
A total of 15 species were tallied.