Great Backyard Bird Count Results

Dark-eyed JuncoThis past weekend’s Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) was a big success, both worldwide and here in Rutland County.

To date, 207,546 checklists, representing 6,540 species and 33,482,850 individual birds have been submitted from around the world! Pretty amazing, isn’t it? The deadline for submission for the four-day period is March 1 so it's not too late to add your sightings. 

Here at home, 170 checklists and 47 species were reported. Seventeen of the county’s towns were represented and we had many first-time GBBCers. Two great horned owls, a barred owl, evening grosbeaks and snow buntings made the list as did our first turkey vulture of the season.

Congratulations to our first-time participants! Each of you is now a citizen scientist. That means you can submit any of your bird sightings anytime from anywhere to eBird here. Just use the user name and password you created for the GBBC.

And did you snap a picture of a chipmunk under your feeder? You can submit that to the Vermont Atlas of Life at iNaturalist. Click here for that.

You can explore all the data at the GBBC, by clicking here