The number of species we see during our walk around West Rutland Marsh in the month of March varies as widely as the swings in the month’s weather. So it was with today’s marsh monitoring walk, our 152nd. Twenty species were tallied, three less than last year and three less than our average for March. Past years have seen a high of 32 species and a low of 15.
The morning weather was promising with a bit of sunshine and very small hint of warmth in the wind. The walk ended, however, with a cold rain in our faces.
Most of the expected species were seen (see list below). A Red-winged Blackbird greeted us in song at the start and grackles further down the road reminded us that spring may be on the way. A Northern Shrike, a year bird and a life bird for some, American Tree Sparrows, and deep banks of snow reminded us that winter is still with us.
Cedar WaxwingAmerican Robins here and there and a flock of Cedar Waxwings provided spots of color as the day became more overcast.
The next marsh walk is scheduled for Thursday, April 17 at 8 am. Click here for a schedule of marsh walks and other events.
Today's list:
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 3
Mourning Dove 21
Downy Woodpecker 2
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Pileated Woodpecker 1
Northern Shrike 1
Blue Jay 26
American Crow 6
Black-capped Chickadee 21
American Robin 15
European Starling 4
Cedar Waxwing 15
American Tree Sparrow 7
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) 3
Northern Cardinal 6
Red-winged Blackbird 3
Common Grackle 4
House Finch 1
American Goldfinch 5
House Sparrow 6