How would you like to go birding?
How would you like to go birding in Rutland County?
How would you like to go birding in Rutland County with the prospect of tallying 100 or more species?
How would you like to go birding in Rutland County with the prospect of tallying 100 or more species in one day?
Chestnut-sided WarblerIf you answered yes to the final question then meet Rutland County Audubon and friends on Sunday, May 26, at the West Rutland Price Chopper parking area at 6:00 am. For those who stay to “the glorious end” some 15 hours later we hope to have tallied over 100 species. If the past is any guide, the number of species tallied over the past five years is 106, 108, 114, 109 and 110!
We will be visiting many of Rutland County's best birding spots and see a wide variety of birds. It is a long day so be prepared with a lunch and beverage which we have taken in the past at Bomoseen State Park. There is a lot more driving than walking. It is a go-go-go, kind of a day but a lot of fun!
All our Audubon field trips are open to the public and are free. However, we will be collecting donations to be split between Audubon Vermont and the Vermont Center for Ecostudies, both bird friendly organizations. You may make out your check to either organization or cash is just fine.
Contact Roy Pilcher 775-3461 or email us at