Black-and-white WarblerThe Annual Meeting of the Rutland County Audubon Society will be held on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 6 PM. In keeping with tradition it will include a potluck supper the Proctor Library. Allon Wildgust will present a program on his trip to Africa, which includes many beautiful photos.
This year’s slate of officers and directors, in keeping with the guidelines of our constitution and bylaws, is as follows:
Co-presidents: Roy Pilcher and Marvin Elliott
Secretary Kathleen Guinness
Treasurer Open
Director Fred Bates
Director Marsha Booker
Director Tracey Busony
Director Susan Elliott
Director David Jenne
Director Renee Warren
Director Mary Lou Webster
Director Sue Wetmore
We invite all interested parties to let us know if they would like to serve as an Officer or Director. We will vote on this slate at the meeting as well invite nominations from the floor.
This is also a time to recognize two people who will be stepping down from their positions. Angele Brill has been on the board for many years, most recently serving as our Treasurer. Angele feels it is time to step down and give someone new a chance. She will help us to get a replacement trained.
In addition, Susan Elliott is stepping down as Secretary, but will continue assisting us with other support functions (the RCAS website, Facebook, eBird reporting, etc.)
We thank Angele and Susan for all their service. We also thank Kathleen Guinness for accepting the nomination to serve as secretary.
We always need volunteers so please let us know if you have an interest. Our goal is to follow the old saying that “many hands make light work.” By having more volunteers we can spread out the work and allow more time for the part of Audubon we enjoy the most – watching birds. We would also like help with maintaining West Rutland Marsh, monitoring Mountain Top Farm (our conservation easement), helping at the State Fair Forestry Building and many other potential projects. Please contact me at or 775-2415 if you would like to discuss it further.
Hope to see you at the meeting! Bring a dish to share. Beverages and utensils will be provided.