Sometimes bad weather brings in good birds!The push is on, hopefully with a north wind blowing migrants south. After a rather dry summer (species-wise that is, certainly not weather-wise), three birds were added to Rutland County’s year list in September for the Vermont County Bird Quest. Roy Pilcher contributed two – a Greater Scaup at Kent Pond and a Laughing Gull at Crystal Beach at Lake Bomoseen. Nancy Brown added Cape May Warbler in Danby.
Some hoped for species for the remainder of the year include Nelson’s Sparrow, seen the past couple years at Pomainville WMA; White-winged and Black scoter at Lake Bomoseen or possibly one of the smaller ponds before freeze up; and White-winged Crossbill just before year-end.
Rutland County remains in fourth place with Grand Isle behind us by only one species. Addison is still in first place.
Get birding and don’t forget to eBird!