I spotted these words today on a sign at a general store. Yellow WarblerThey seem appropriate especially for this time of year. On Saturday May 1, RCAS volunteers and other members of the community descended on West Rutland Marsh for the annual Green Up Day cleanup. A mountain of trash was pulled out and once again the marsh is ready for the migrant birds that are already pouring in. Thank you to all who worked so hard!
Sadly this much trash is pulled out of the marsh each year. Every town has at least one area prone to illegal dumping. Unfortunately these areas are often in great birding habitat. The careless trash of cans and bottles and fast food bags seems inevitable, but it is hard to fathom the deliberate dumping of appliances and furniture, and even worse, items such as motor oil.
RCAS welcomes ideas for keeping West Rutland Marsh and other areas free from dumping. In the meantime we can all help out by leaving areas cleaner than we find them. Enjoy your sparkling clean marsh!