christmas bird count results

Golden-crowned KingletRutland County Audubon’s 42nd Annual Christmas Bird Count took place on Saturday, January 2. Weather conditions for the count were favorable with dry roads and temperatures a degree or two below freezing.

Count statistics reverted to the running ten-year averages for both individual birds and bird species. Count day produced 8,437 individual birds as compared to the ten-year running average of 8,480.  Day species numbered 53 with an extra two recorded during count week. This compares with a ten-year running average of 51 species. A Northern Harrier and a Rough-legged Hawk were observed during count week.

New records were set for Great Blue Heron with a sighting of 4 birds, Canada Geese that tallied 1,444 birds and Song Sparrow that came in with 12 individuals.  The larger than normal number of Canada Geese resulted from unusually large numbers that happened to be moving south on count day.

It was gratifying to welcome several new observers to the count and to the traditional and enjoyable countdown pot luck supper that concluded the day.

Our Position on BJ's Development in Rutland Town

The following is an open letter to the Editor of the Rutland Daily Herald:

The Rutland County Audubon Society (“Audubon”) needs to clarify recent misinformation in this newspaper about the proposed BJ’s project.

  • Audubon supports development that does not harm the environment and makes responsible use of natural and manmade resources.
  • As background, Audubon controls protected wetlands containing an important water source next to the proposed BJ’s that would be built by developer Saxon Partners.

Audubon controls an additional parcel of land that is unprotected from development, but which helps it shield the wetlands and fulfill its responsibility to protect them. Audubon must cooperate with the required Act 250 environmental permit if any developer wants to build there.

Eight years ago, another developer planned to build on the site proposed for BJ’s and requested Audubon’s cooperation to use its unprotected land.

Audubon was advised to cooperate in exchange for a donation of $40,000 for conservation activities because it lacked money for legal resources to fight the development.

Consequently, Audubon cooperated and the developer got his Act 250 Permit—but Audubon never received the promised funding. That development was ultimately abandoned.

The land is now being sold to Saxon Partners to construct a BJ’s with a gas station and 60,000 gallons of underground storage near Audubon’s wetlands. Audubon never agreed to cooperate with that substantial change, which still must get permission from the District Environmental Commission #1 to proceed.

Audubon tried, in good faith, to satisfy its mission to protect the environment and its legal responsibility to protect the conserved wetlands, while recognizing legitimate need for jobs, tax revenue, and places to shop. Given the material change of the BJ’s project, Audubon has refused to sign a new agreement to cooperate although asked to do so.

Marv Elliott President, Rutland County Audubon Society Rutland Town

West Rutland MarshThe importance of wetlands cannot be over-emphasized. They absorb flood waters, improve water quality and remove pollutants, and provide habitat for countless species of animals, bird, insects and plants. They also provide a refuge of quiet and peace for people. 

Check out this video (click here) on restoring Vermont's wetlands by the Vermont Natural Resources Conservation Service. RCAS's own Roy Pilcher appears in it. 

west rutland marsh - december monitoring report

The number of participants was almost more than the number of birds at today’s walk around West Rutland Marsh, our 172nd monthly walk. The species count came in at 21, four less than a year ago, but one more than our December average.         

The balmy weather was the highlight of the day and was perhaps the cause of the low count. There are plenty of fruits and seeds available and, of course, there is no snow cover yet.

American Tree Sparrows, along with chickadees, can be found in good numbers near the feeders by the boardwalk.

Two House Finches were seen, but there was no sign of the Purple Finches what have been widely reported around the state this past week. A Red-bellied Woodpecker was heard, a species only being reported at the marsh in the past couple of years.

The large flock of Wild Turkeys, counted today at 29, continues in the fields near the corner of Pleasant Street and Whipple Hollow Road.

The next count is scheduled for Saturday, January 16, at 8 a.m. Perhaps by then we will have more wintry conditions.

Today’s count:

Wild Turkey  29
Red-tailed Hawk  2
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  3
Mourning Dove  12
Red-bellied Woodpecker  1
Downy Woodpecker  1
Hairy Woodpecker  2
Pileated Woodpecker  2
Blue Jay  9
American Crow  6
Common Raven  3
Black-capped Chickadee  31
Red-breasted Nuthatch  1
White-breasted Nuthatch  2
European Starling  1
American Tree Sparrow  11
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)  3
Northern Cardinal  3
House Finch  2
American Goldfinch  31
House Sparrow  3

christmas bird count - january 2

Count #42, count #116 – those are impressive numbers for Rutland County Audubon and National Audubon respectively as they represent the number of years the local and national Christmas Bird Count has taken place. This year’s count will take place on Saturday, January 2. What better way than to kick off the new year than with a day of birding?

Field observers and feeder watchers are always needed (feeder watchers must live within the 15-mile count circle centered in Rutland).

If you haven’t participated in a CBC now is your chance! Click here to read the report from last year’s count to get a feel for how the day goes. As tradition goes we will gather at the Proctor Library at 6 p.m. for a potluck supper and the countdown of the day’s species. Bring a dish to share. Utensils and beverages will be provided 

Contact Roy Pilcher at 775-3461 or email for more details.

keeping birds healthy at feeders

Carolina Wrens at a peanut butter feederThanks to everyone who supported RCAS by buying seed at our recent seed sales. Special thanks to Anita Campeau of Blue Seal Feeds in Brandon and Paul Garland of Garland’s in Rutland for all their help and support for our sales. And welcome to our ten new members!

Now that winter is around the corner (and once the bears have gone to sleep), we’ll all be spending more time watching birds from the comfort of our homes. And while we all enjoy this pastime, it’s important to keep our feathered friends healthy by following a few steps for backyard feeding.

Salmonellosis, trichomoniasis, avian pox, aspergillosis, and conjunctivitis are diseases that commonly affect birds that visit backyard bird feeders. Sick birds are less alert and less active. They feed less and often cower on a feeder, reluctant to fly. Their feathers look ill-kept. Sick birds are more vulnerable to starvation, predation, dehydration, and severe weather. Eventually, these diseases are fatal.

Disease is one of the many natural processes affecting wild species. You can minimize the risks and spread of avian diseases at your bird feeders by taking the following precautions:

1.       GIVE THEM SPACE. Avoid crowding by providing ample feeder space. Lots of birds using a single feeder looks wonderful, but crowding is a key factor in spreading disease. Crowding also creates stress that may make birds more vulnerable to disease. Several feeders at wide intervals help disperse the visitors.

2.       CLEAN UP WASTES. Keep the feeder area clean of waste food and droppings. A Broom and shovel can accomplish a lot of good, but a vacuum such as you might use in your garage or workshop will help even more.

3.       MAKE FEEDERS SAFE. Provide safe feeders without sharp points or edges. Even small scratches and cuts will allow bacteria and viruses to enter otherwise healthy birds.

4.       KEEP FEEDERS CLEAN. Use feeders that are made of a material that can be sterilized (e.g., polycarbonate). Clean and disinfect feeders by fully immersing them in a 10% bleach solution (one part household bleach: 9 parts water) for 2-3 minutes. Allow to air dry. Once or twice a month should do, weekly could help more if you notice sick birds at your feeders.

5.       USE GOOD FOOD. Discard any food that smells musty, is wet, looks moldy or has fungus growing on it. Disinfect any storage container that holds spoiled food and the scoop used to fill feeders from it.

6.       PREVENT CONTAMINATION. Keep rodents out of stored food. Mice can carry and spread some bird diseases without being affected themselves.

7.       ACT EARLY. Don’t wait to act until you see sick or dead birds. With good prevention you’ll seldom find sick or dead birds at your feeders.

8.       SPREAD THE WORD. Encourage your neighbors who feed birds to follow the same precautions. Birds normally move among feeders and can spread diseases as they go. The safest birdfeeders will be those in communities where neighbors cooperate with equal concern for the birds.

west rutland marsh - november monitoring report

Once again the predicted bad weather did not materialize for today’s monitoring walk around West Rutland Marsh. Seven participants, enjoying the warmer temperatures, tallied 24 species. This beats last year’s count of 19 and our November average of 19.

A woodie, a hoodie and mallards – ducks somehow seem appropriate to the marsh as it slips into dormancy, but while there is still open water. One each of the first two species was seen while Mallards, in small groups, were tucked here and there in the reeds.

Also appropriate to the season, Wild Turkey was seen in abundance – a flock of 37 near the intersection of Pleasant Street and Whipple Hollow Road. A Ruffed Grouse was also observed in low flight across a weedy field and into the woods along Whipple Hollow Road.

Highbush CranberryA highlight of the walk was an immature Northern Harrier sweeping across the length of the marsh. A Red-tailed Hawk was in flight along the ridge.

A Purple Finch was observed munching on ash seeds in the same area one was seen during the October walk.

American Tree Sparrows have taken up their winter quarters by the feeders near the boardwalk. They and Dark-eyed Juncos were the only sparrow species observed today.

Our next walk is scheduled for Saturday, December 12 at 8 a.m.

Today’s list:

Wood Duck  1
Mallard  13
Hooded Merganser  1
Ruffed Grouse  1
Wild Turkey  36
Northern Harrier  1
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  3
Mourning Dove  23
Downy Woodpecker  5
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Pileated Woodpecker  1
Blue Jay  9
American Crow  11
Black-capped Chickadee  26
Tufted Titmouse  5
European Starling  21
American Tree Sparrow  6
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)  4
Northern Cardinal  2
House Finch  1
Purple Finch  2
American Goldfinch  9
House Sparrow  3

audubon adventures

Teachers and homeschoolers, are you looking for a fun way to teach environmental science and language arts to your students, but that is also educational and correlates to the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and the Next Generation Science Standards for grades 3 – 5? Then look no further. Why not try Audubon Adventures? Audubon Adventures is an award-winning, nationally-acclaimed program that aims to interest children in exploring, learning about, and enjoying the natural world around them. 

The theme of Audubon Adventures for the 2015-2016 school year is Action for Planet EarthThe Educator’s Guide, along with quizzes, puzzles, and activities for students can be accessed online.  In addition, offline printed “newspapers” are available to classrooms and homeschoolers covering the following topics:  At Home in a Habitat, Caretaking Our World’s Water, and Power From Our Planet The cost of ordering these student newspapers will be funded by Rutland County Audubon if a teacher or parent would like to purchase them.  For further information about Audubon Adventures, click here to or contact Marsha Booker at if you are interested in participating.  Teachers and parents participating also get membership in the National Audubon Society, e-newsletters from National Audubon and National Audubon’s printed magazine.  

and the winner is......

Hairy WoodpeckerCongratulations to Ruth Smith of Benson! Ruth was the lucky winner of our seed sale drawing at our exhibit in the Forestry Building at the Vermont State Fair. Our seed sale is an annual event to raise money in support of our efforts to protect birds. Ruth will receive a 40 lb-bag of black oil sunflower seeds. Black oil seed is favored by birds because it has a higher fat content which is what they need in the winter to keep warm.

This year’s sale is Saturday, November 7 at two locations: Garland’s on Park Street in Rutland from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and Blue Seal Feeds on Rte 7 in Brandon from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cash or check only please.

We hope to sell as much seed as possible during the sale day. We keep the prices as low as possible and our profits go to save birds and bird habitat. Everyone is a winner! Hope to see you there!

audubon seed sale - nov 7

Northern CardinalGarland’s, Park St., Rutland, 8 AM-1 PM

Blue Seal Feeds, Rt. 7, Brandon, 9 AM- 2PM

On November 7 we will hold our annual Audubon Seed Sales at Garland’s in Rutland and Blue Seal Feeds in Brandon. The sales have been an annual event since long before I became active in Rutland Audubon. Many of you have been loyally coming to our seed sales year after year. Thank you! We appreciate your business. The profits from our sales go to running our chapter. We try hard to keep our expenses down so we can spend more time protecting birds and less time fund raising. We expect prices to be lower this year due to a bumper crop.

Another big thank-you to our seed sale hosts - Garland’s Agway in Rutland and Blue Seal Feeds in Brandon are vital supporters of Rutland Audubon. They forgo their seed sale profits for the day to give us this opportunity. We thank them and hope you will give them other business in recognition of their contribution.

The seed sale is also a good time to join our chapter. We give a free birdhouse to anyone who joins during the sale so the membership cost is really minimal. You can get your fall seed from us at whichever location is best for you. Along with supporting our efforts you will be feeding the birds during winter, their most vulnerable time. While you are there, bring us a bird story. We love talking about the birds and any of the many antics we see all the time through careful observation.

We want birding to be fun while we use citizen science to help protect the birds and their habitats.


west rutland marsh - october monitoring report

Dire predictions of bad weather were greatly exaggerated. Sixteen(!) participants, including some new faces, turned out for the 171st monitoring walk around West Rutland Marsh. The weather turned out to be quite pleasant and of course the Vermont foliage spectacular.

Thirty-four species turned out as well, quite a bit more than last year’s 23 species, and just above our October average of 32. Waterfowl was in short supply, no doubt due to the presence of hunters in the area.

Raptor numbers were good with Sharp-shinned Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, and American Kestrel seen. Turkey Vultures and Common Ravens were also soaring high above the marsh. The ravens seemed to be winning the ‘who can fly highest’ contest.

White-throated SparrowTwo Ruffed Grouse were observed, one flushed from the side of the road and a second drumming in the woods along Whipple Hollow Road.

Six sparrow species were seen including one White-crowned Sparrow. White-throated Sparrows were singing bits of their song. The juncos are back!

American Robins were in good numbers with 49 observed. Yellow-rumped Warblers, widely reported throughout Vermont last week, were low in number with only two seen.

A highlight of the walk was a male Purple Finch sitting high in a bare tree in the bright light and singing his heart out as if it was the first day of spring.

The next marsh walk is scheduled for Thursday, November 19, at 8 a.m.






Today’s list:

Canada Goose  2
Mallard  11
Ruffed Grouse  2
Wild Turkey  9
Turkey Vulture  3
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
Red-tailed Hawk  4
Mourning Dove  3
Belted Kingfisher  1
Downy Woodpecker  3
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Northern Flicker  2
American Kestrel  2
Blue Jay  16
American Crow  7
Common Raven  4
Black-capped Chickadee  13
White-breasted Nuthatch  2
American Robin  49
European Starling  12
Cedar Waxwing  1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)  2
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)  4
White-crowned Sparrow  1
White-throated Sparrow  5
Song Sparrow  11
Swamp Sparrow  2
Northern Cardinal  4
Red-winged Blackbird  25
Common Grackle  22
House Finch  5
Purple Finch  1    
American Goldfinch  5
House Sparrow  2

west rutland marsh - september monitoring report

A perfect fall day at West Rutland Marsh! Eight participants tallied 42 species, five more than last year at this time, but by no means our highest for September (51 was the count in 2008). Our average for this month is 36.

There is still a bit of marsh sound – both Swamp Sparrows and Marsh Wrens are singing bits of songs and a Virginia Rail was heard as well. But birds are definitely on the move. Many Blue Jays were observed, most in loose flocks, and a single Broad-winged Hawk was clearly on a mission. A Sharp-shined Hawk and a Red-tailed Hawk completed the raptor numbers.

Migrating warblers were represented by Blackpoll, Palm, Yellow-rumped and Black-throated Green warblers. Common Yellowthroats are hanging on to their usual spots, but are diminished in number.

a Meadowhawk dragonflyA single Indigo Bunting, with only remnants of blue, was observed.

As is typical of fall, sparrows are much in evidence. White-throated Sparrows have returned to the marsh. Lincoln’s Sparrows and Eastern Towhees were also counted.

Our next marsh walk is scheduled for Saturday, October 17.

Today’s list:

Canada Goose  6
Wood Duck  3
Mallard  7
Great Blue Heron  4
Turkey Vulture  1
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
Broad-winged Hawk  1
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Virginia Rail  1
Mourning Dove  3
Belted Kingfisher  2
Downy Woodpecker  2
Hairy Woodpecker  3
Northern Flicker  3
Eastern Phoebe  9
Blue Jay  63
American Crow  26
Common Raven  2
Black-capped Chickadee  12
White-breasted Nuthatch  3
Marsh Wren  2
Golden-crowned Kinglet  1
American Robin  1
Gray Catbird  13
Cedar Waxwing  13
Common Yellowthroat  3
Blackpoll Warbler  1
Palm Warbler  1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)  3
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
White-throated Sparrow  2
Song Sparrow  4
Lincoln's Sparrow  2
Swamp Sparrow  18
Eastern Towhee  3
Northern Cardinal  1
Indigo Bunting  1
Red-winged Blackbird  24
Common Grackle  2
House Finch  1
American Goldfinch  10
House Sparrow  10

adirondack birding festival

Bicknell's ThrushThis past June I, along with good birding friends, attended the 13th Annual Adirondack Birding Festival held at Paul Smith’ s College in New York. Why attend a birding festival you may ask?

These festivals offer opportunities to bird in unfamiliar territories and to socialize with birders from far and wide. Workshops are generally part of the experience and provide the opportunity to learn something new about birds. All skill levels of birding will be present in the field trips but that is part of the fun, witnessing a birder finding a life bird.

Our first field trip on Friday was an all-day excursion starting in the Adirondacks and ending on the western shores of Lake Champlain. A nice variety of birds was seen. Saturday we had a half-day trip to Bloomingdale Bog in search of boreal species. The birding was a little slow, but a nice selection of warblers was present. We were nearing the end of the tour when a group of juvenile Gray Jays descended near us. They are quite unafraid of people and were eating bird snacks from the hand of our leader. It was very exciting to observe this species up close.

That evening the keynote speaker was none other than the Vermont Center for Ecostudies’ Chris Rimmer. Of course his subject was the Bicknell's Thrush! We learned a great deal about this rare bird's ecology. The species faces threats here on its breeding grounds as well as on its wintering sites. One aspect of breeding was very interesting: The research that has been done in Vermont shows that the females will mate with several males who will in turn feed whatever chicks are in the nests!

Gray JayChris’s information only whetted our appetite for our trip up Whiteface Mountain the following day. A van picked us up early and we rode up the newly-paved access road up the mountain. Our first stop had a couple of Bick's calling. Finally I had a brief look at one, but it quickly flew into the thick trees. Frustrating!  A pair of Boreal Chickadees and a Blackpoll Warbler were more cooperative. We continued up where some of us took the elevator to the summit and walked back down to the lower lot. A lone Common Raven gave a couple of guttural comments as we passed by.

Our next stop on the way down found a photographer set up and he said Bick's were present. Shortly they returned and were nearly at our feet running on the ground. One then perched nearby and sang! To add to the thrill a Black-backed Woodpecker swooped in briefly and checked out a tree.

Our last stop was brief due to blackflies that swarmed when the wind died.

While the Adirondack Birding Festival is small compared to others it delivers some great birding and a good time with fellow birders. The easy access for those of us living nearby makes attending this something to consider for next summer.

celebration of birds - sept 19

On Saturday, September 19, birders from across Vermont will gather for Audubon Vermont's Celebration of Birds in Charlotte. The event, open and free for all, will be held from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Staige Hill Farm.

The event will include bird carving, music, live bird demonstrations, local birding experts and food (for purchase). Click here for more details and to RSVP. Rutland County Audubon will be there with our display.

Hope you plan on attending!

rutland county audubon at the fair

RCAS Director Kathleen Guinness and RCAS President Marv Elliott and prepare this year's displayIf you plan to visit the Vermont State Fair in Rutland this year, be sure to stop by the Forestry Building to see RCAS’s exhibit on forest birds. There are lots of great photos and fun facts about the birds that spend the breeding season in Vermont.

Once again we are raffling off a bag of bird seed – all that is needed is your name and contact information. 

The fair runs from September 5th through the 12th.

west rutland marsh - august monitoring report

No cake and ice cream, but today was a birthday celebration of sorts as Rutland County Audubon kicked off its 15th year of monitoring West Rutland Marsh. As drizzly skies gave way to sun (and more humidity), the birds responded. Fifty-eight species were tallied, our new August high! This is well above last year’s meager 40 and our average of 45.

Marsh birds were still evident, but certainly not as abundant as earlier in the season. Marsh Wrens were chipping loudly near the boardwalk and a few Swamp Sparrows were singing. A single Virginia Rail was noted. Silent flycatchers had to go on the list simply as ‘Empid.’

A small flock of frenzied warblers on Whipple Hollow Road reminded us that migration will soon be in full swing. They included Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, Blackburnian Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Pine Warbler and Black-throated Green Warbler.

A Tennessee Warbler was seen early in the walk, not far from the boardwalk. Five Yellow Warblers were also seen during the morning, a high number for a species that seems to make itself scarce as breeding season ends.

BobolinkA Scarlet Tanager halfway between gaudy summer attire and drabber fall colors caused consternation until its identity became clear. A Green Heron perched high in a tree with its head held bittern-fashion also caught our attention.

Four Bobolinks, a species not often recorded on the marsh walk, were seen in a field on Pleasant Street.

Our next marsh walk is scheduled for Thursday, September 24, starting at 8 a.m.



Today’s list:

Canada Goose  1
Wood Duck  1
American Black Duck  1
Mallard  4
American Bittern  1
Great Blue Heron  1
Green Heron  2
Red-tailed Hawk  2
Virginia Rail  1
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  4
Mourning Dove  20
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  8
Belted Kingfisher  2
Red-bellied Woodpecker  1
Downy Woodpecker  4
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Northern Flicker  1
Pileated Woodpecker  2
Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Empidonax sp.  2
Eastern Phoebe  6
Eastern Kingbird  5
Warbling Vireo  1
Red-eyed Vireo  8
Blue Jay  7
American Crow  1
Common Raven  3
Barn Swallow  10
Black-capped Chickadee  15
Tufted Titmouse  2
Red-breasted Nuthatch  1
White-breasted Nuthatch  1
Marsh Wren  4
Veery  4
American Robin  4
Gray Catbird  11
Cedar Waxwing  31
Black-and-white Warbler  3
Tennessee Warbler  1
Nashville Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  3
American Redstart  2
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Yellow Warbler  5
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Pine Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  1
Chipping Sparrow  2
Song Sparrow  9
Swamp Sparrow  6
Scarlet Tanager  1
Northern Cardinal  6
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  3
Bobolink  4
Red-winged Blackbird  14
Common Grackle  56
House Finch  1
Purple Finch  2
American Goldfinch  26

the lost bird project: july 22

The Lost Bird Project, a film about sculptor Todd McGrain’s bronze memorials to five extinct bird species, will be shown on Wednesday, July 22 at 7 p.m. at The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center, 636 Marble Street in West Rutland.

The Lost Bird Project is a compelling one-hour film about an artist’s memorials to North America’s five lost avian species: the Passenger Pigeon, the Great Auk, The Labrador Duck, the Carolina Parakeet, and the Heath Hen. The artist Todd McGrain’s five bronze sculptures have been placed where each of the birds were last seen. The evocative background music and gorgeous photography of massive, sweeping flocks of birds have been brought together in a thought-provoking video.

Yet the sculptor McGrain discovers that once he emerges from the creative process of his personal vision, difficulties are encountered in finding acceptable sites for these monuments. There were also logistical hurdles in transporting and mounting them out in nature.

This film will be enjoyed by not just birders and sculptors, but environmentalists, artists and nature lovers of all kinds. The showing is free and open to all!

west rutland marsh - july monitoring report

Yellow WarblerEach year July marks an important milestone for Rutland County Audubon as it means another full year of monthly monitoring of West Rutland Marsh. And so today completes our 14th year.

148 species have been observed to date – the latest addition was Blackpoll Warbler this past May. It should be noted we have had 1,906 participants (albeit many repeats!) joining in the effort to count the birds. Perhaps as significant, it has brought attention to the marsh and raised awareness of the importance of preserving it.

Today 14 participants tallied 57 species, our highest for the month of July, and one more than counted last year. A Least Bittern, seen and heard frequently this season, was observed by early participants. An American Bittern was seen in flight. A Great Blue Heron was observed as well as four Green Herons, one of which was at close range and was vocalizing.

There is still plenty of evidence of the breeding season – from a young Virginia Rail crossing the road to a Yellow Warbler and a Chestnut-sided Warbler carrying food for young. A Common Yellowthroat gave a distraction display.

looking for warblers along Whipple Hollow RoadFive Red-bellied Woodpeckers, first noted on our marsh walk in December 2014, were observed along with eight Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers.

There is still plenty of bird song with Marsh Wrens and Swamp Sparrows the most vocal. A Wood Thrush and a Hermit Thrush were heard in the distance and American Redstarts and Black-and-White Warblers were much in evidence.

Our next walk, kicking off our 15th year, will be held on Saturday, August 15, at 7 a.m.

Today’s list:

Wood Duck  1
Mallard  17
American Bittern  1
Least Bittern  1    
Great Blue Heron  1
Green Heron  4
Virginia Rail  3
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  1
Mourning Dove  12
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  1
Belted Kingfisher  1
Red-bellied Woodpecker  5
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  8
Downy Woodpecker  2
Hairy Woodpecker  2
Northern Flicker  2
Willow Flycatcher  2
Least Flycatcher  1
Eastern Phoebe  6
Eastern Kingbird  9
Warbling Vireo  4
Red-eyed Vireo  11
Blue Jay  5
American Crow  4
Common Raven  1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow  2
Tree Swallow  19
Bank Swallow  1
Barn Swallow  6
Black-capped Chickadee  11
Tufted Titmouse  2
White-breasted Nuthatch  6
House Wren  1
Marsh Wren  11
Veery  18
Hermit Thrush  1
Wood Thrush  1
American Robin  15
Gray Catbird  12
European Starling  6
Cedar Waxwing  33
Ovenbird  8
Northern Waterthrush  1
Common Yellowthroat  24
American Redstart  13
Yellow Warbler  7
Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
Song Sparrow  15
Swamp Sparrow  23
Northern Cardinal  5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  1
Red-winged Blackbird  26
Common Grackle  13
House Finch  3
Purple Finch  1
American Goldfinch  17
House Sparrow  3

rcas annual meeting - june 24, 2015

Roy Pilcher presents the annual reportRCAS directors and members gathered at the Proctor Library on June 24 to celebrate another successful year of Rutland County Audubon. The evening kicked off with a delicious potluck supper.

Roy Pilcher, who will be stepping down as RCAS co-president, presented the annual report from the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, our fiscal year.

Following the annual report and election of officers, participants enjoyed a member ‘slide show’ presented on a new drop-down screen donated by RCAS to the Proctor Library, the venue for many of our events, in lieu of a donation for use of their facility. One of the highlights of the show was Valerie Biebuyck’s photo and description of two herring gulls fighting over Cheese Nips that neither of them actually wanted.

We hope you will join us, either as an active volunteer or as a participant in our field trips and programs, in the coming year.

 2015-2016 Slate of Officers:


Marvin Elliott President
Mike Blust, Vice President
Kathleen Guinness, Secretary
Marian McDonald, Assistant Treasurer
Roy Pilcher, Treasurer

Marsha Booker
Nathan Dansereau
Ralph Nimtz
Susan Elliott
Renee Warren
Fred Bates
David Jenne
Mary Lou Webster
Sue Wetmore
Tim Abraham