West Rutland Marsh - November 2022

Five people made the trek around West Rutland Marsh this morning with the results about what you would expect for mid-November. A total of 20 species was observed. Snow flurries accompanied us for the first half the trip, but fortunately there was no wind. 

Two female Common Mergansers were floating in the open portion of water (yes, ice is forming).

Four woodpecker species were tallied: Red Bellied, Downy, Hairy woodpecker as well as two Northern Flickers.

A dozen American Robins were seen on Marble Street.

Two Golden-crowned Kinglets were observed flitting in the hemlocks along Whipple Hollow Road.

Sparrows consisted of two Dark-eyed Juncos and one White-throated Sparrow.

Our next walk is scheduled for Thursday, December 8 at 8 a.m.

A complete list of what we saw can be found here