christmas bird count - january 2

Count #42, count #116 – those are impressive numbers for Rutland County Audubon and National Audubon respectively as they represent the number of years the local and national Christmas Bird Count has taken place. This year’s count will take place on Saturday, January 2. What better way than to kick off the new year than with a day of birding?

Field observers and feeder watchers are always needed (feeder watchers must live within the 15-mile count circle centered in Rutland).

If you haven’t participated in a CBC now is your chance! Click here to read the report from last year’s count to get a feel for how the day goes. As tradition goes we will gather at the Proctor Library at 6 p.m. for a potluck supper and the countdown of the day’s species. Bring a dish to share. Utensils and beverages will be provided 

Contact Roy Pilcher at 775-3461 or email for more details.