Ruffed GrouseRutland County’s annual Christmas Bird Count is set for Saturday, December 27. It will mark the 115th National Audubon count and the 41st Rutland County Audubon count.
Last year 22 Field Observers and eight feeder watchers tallied 8,760 individual birds spanning 51 species. These numbers were well within the ten-year running averages of 8,840 individual birds and 51.2 species.
Even with forty years of data collection, new records seem to fall with each successive count. Last year was no exception. With the observation of two Hermit Thrushes, species #101 was added to the count total. Furthermore, with the sighting of 42 Red-tailed Hawks, three Rough-legged Hawks, two Peregrine Falcons and 18 Carolina Wrens, individual species records were either equaled or exceeded.
The count area is represented by a circle 15 miles in diameter centered where Route 4 West crosses the Otter Creek. The count area remains constant from year to year although the number of observers and weather conditions change.
As tradition dictates, a potluck supper and count down at the conclusion of the day will follow at the Proctor Free Library beginning at 6 o’clock. Beverages and flatware will be provided and participants along with family and friends are invited to bring a hot dish, salad or dessert.
For those wishing to participate, mark your calendar and reserve Saturday, December 27, for this year’s count. Field team leaders can always use new participants while feeder watchers in the count area are more than welcome. Give Roy Pilcher a call at 775-3461 or email if you would like to participate one way or another. Join the fun and contribute to the longest running citizen science field study ever undertaken, an uninterrupted one hundred and fourteen years!